The biggest Beauty Platform

Connecting 60.000 salons with over 50 million appointments

SMART afsprakenboek

What we do: Da Vinci

Da Vinci Salonsoftware

We create Software for the Beauty Industry. Helping the salonowner have a more provitable salon. Registrate all the salon activities to actively promote the salon.

  • Salon clients: 1700
  • Bookings per year: 4,125,200 - With a value of € 121 million

What we do: BarberBooking & Bjootify

Barberbooking & Bjootify

BarberBooking is the biggests and fastest growing hairdresser booking platform in the Netherlands. BarberBooking offers the possibility for the consumer to book online and browse customers’ authenticated reviews from any device.

Since a few weeks, Bjootify is online. This is the same platform as BarberBooking, but now also available for all salons, not only for hairdressers. More detail about this platform will come shortly.

  • Online bookings per year: 1,005,000 - With a value of €31,7 million
  • Authenticated reviews: 288,000
  • Online booking made every 31 seconds - Even every 7 seconds during opening hours
  • 635,800 unique consumers who have made a booking, from which 186,180 created a personal account.

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