DVI Team


The Runner-Up price of the Strongest link (De Sterkste Schakel 2014)

Da Vinci has been selected as the Runner-Up of the price the Sterkste Schakel. This prestigious award is presented to the most customer-friendly business in the region Stedendriehoek, Noord-Veluwe, Lochem and Raalte. This nomination is really special because nominees are chosen by other companies. Da Vinci loves her customers and this Runner-Up price is the proof.


Winner ‘Most Fun’ Family business in the Nederlands 2014 

After being nominated for the Family Foundation Award, Da Vinci emerged as winner of the regional elections. Although we did not win the vote for the national award, after the ceremony the jury approached us and declared: “You guys are by far the most fun family company in this room; so spontaneous and enthusiastic! We are unanimous about that fact!’


Winner of the Best Family Business in east Netherlands 2013 

Da Vinci was nominated for the Family Foundation Award. At the regional elections in the east of the Netherlands, we came out as winners. In March 2014, we competed with five other companies for the title: Best Family Company in the Netherlands. The judges revealed that: “Thanks to the structure of its subscriptions, the company has a stable cash flow. The strong focus and ‘they know what they want’ attitude made a positive impact on the jury. The family has enormous drive and stature. We welcome this with great pleasure.”


Entrepreneur of the Year 2002 

Jim Heersink, founder of Da Vinci, was nominated for the prestigious Entrepreneur of the Year award. This award from Ernst & Young is given every year to the finest entrepreneurs in the Netherlands. Unfortunately, Jim Heersink did not win the prize. He did, however, win a unique prize created especially for him! As he had established an outstanding business with so much enthusiasm and focus, this special award is named the ‘Focus Award’. Until this day, Jim Heersink is still the only entrepreneur to have won this prize.